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Just in Time For Winter - Our Tips for Overcoming Reader's Block

How many times have you added “Read More“ to your New Year’s resolutions? How many times have you wondered where your reading skills have gone? Perhaps, you had a read-before-bed habit that’s now gone in favor of the next effortless streaming service.

We all get there eventually, and now more than ever- the reader’s block. I’ll be short on the word count for this one; here are my tried-and-true tips to help you get back a sustainable reading habit. 


But first, what not to do

woman reading a book on a cozy couch

If you’re frustrated with yourself, asking why you even have readers block, take a good hard look at your life. It’s filled with stimulation! Hence, it’s only natural that you find it challenging to wind down and clear your mind to be able to read anything. There is no need to force yourself to finish a book you don’t like. Allow yourself a reading hiatus if it feels like a chore or doesn't excite you anymore. Now, let’s see what you can do to get excited about reading again. 

Short on time? Here are some quick tips: 

reading with a cup of coffee

 * Looking for quick recommendations? Literature-map.com is a search engine that allows you to look up certain authors and receive dozens of authors of the same genre or writing style. 

 * Follow the rule of 50. If a book is challenging and you still want to finish it, don’t form an opinion until you’ve reached page 50. Some books just take a little while to take off. Giving them the 50-page grace is all they need to successfully pull you in.

 * Can’t fit reading into your schedule? Why try squeezing it in the middle of your day when you can easily do it before bed when your busy day is over? Reading before bed will be all the more effortless if there are no screens in your bedroom, including your phone. That way, you won’t have to exert willpower to resist the temptation of the screen – it simply won’t be there to tempt you.

 * In severe cases, head to the bookstore. Challenge yourself to try and buy just one book, and soon, you'll discover you want to read them all.

Need a bit more guidance? Look no further than below. 

If you’re zoning out while reading...

reading on the lake

If a worried mind is stopping you from concentrating, pick up a new meditation habit. This does not have to be the classic silent seated meditation. You see, our mind deals with all sorts of stimulation that has to be processed, but we rarely get the chance to get in touch with ourselves to do that.

That’s why we tend to zone out when our mind allows it – while driving, doing the dishes, taking a shower, or reading. Your meditation can be a short daily walk outside, journaling your feelings and thoughts, or having a 10-minute dance party in your living room. These activities cleanse your mind, allowing you to be less preoccupied while reading.

If you don’t know where to start...

woman lovingly reading a book

Re-reading your favorite book is a no-brainer. You probably already have a title or two popping up in your mind. Most of the time, the fact that keeps us from reading is the casual stress of daily life. The familiarity of a well-known book will offer comfort during stressful periods. If you pick a favorite from when you were younger, it will also be a pleasant nostalgia trip.

Related: 30 Minutes Summary of the Book Atomic Habits

If you always feel like you’re not reading enough...

setting up SMART goals
Let's address that “Read More“ New Year’s resolution. Where there’s a will, there is a way, but this goal is far too vague to be tangible. Are you looking to spend more time reading? Read more self-help books? Are you aiming at specifically catching up on the classics, or is there a list of recommendations you’ve been planning to get to? The more specific your reading goal is, the easier it will be to achieve it.
When setting up your goal, be realistic. I, for one, could not pick up any daily habit for the life of me. If you’re anything like me, an achievable goal would be to read for 30 minutes twice a week. Forcing yourself to read daily is setting yourself up for disappointment. Start small and grow gradually.

If every book seems too long...

book opening types on a typewriter

If you feel your attention span is getting shorter, go for a briefer read. Collections of short stories can be easily found online. Classics, like “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, or “Fear” by Stefan Zweig might help you finally shift from first to second gear in your reading project.

Related: 7 Tips For How to Remember Everything You Read

If every book is too boring...

adventure book

If you’ve been let down by a few books in a row, try a new genre. Thrillers are sure to pull you in, so they’re a good starting point. If you enjoy traveling, try books by authors of different nationalities; they will give a glimpse of another culture. I’ve had the time of my life traveling to Portugal while reading “Blood-Drenched Beard” by Daniel Galera, or traveling to Italy and reading "Trick” by Domenico Stranone. 

If you can't keep up the reading habit...

book club

Keeping up with any new habit may be a bit challenging. Find a community to help you be consistent. It doesn’t have to be a book club; it can also be subscribing to a reading blog, reading paper book reviews, or even following a book-review page on social media. Asking a close friend to lend you the last book they read is a surefire way to get back on the reading horse.

If you made it this far, let us treat you to some useful links:

* Click here for classic reads recommendations. 
* Click here for modern reads recommendations. 
* Click here for the health benefits of reading. 

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