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75 Pictures of Cute Dogs and Puppies Who Just Keep Smiling

Life sure is grand when you don't have any responsibilities. These happy-go-lucky canines decided to express their feelings of joy toward their beloved owners by acting a bit silly in front of the lens. Here you'll find a mega collection of 75 super playful and cute dogs and puppies smiling for the camera!

1. Who can be sad on a day like this?cute dogs
2. Hello there Mr. Pointy Ears!
cute dogs
3. Thank you for rubbing my tummy!
cute dogs
pictures of dogs smiling
5. 50% sleepy and 50% happy!
pictures of dogs smiling
pictures of dogs smiling
7. Who's a good boy?
pictures of dogs smiling
8. So cute and fluffy! Adorable!
Cute dogs smiling
9. The face of pure joy!Cute dogs smiling
10. Family for life!
Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
11. The Leaning Tower of Happiness.Cute dog breeds smiling and having fun
12. Faster! Faster! FASTER!!!funny dogs
13. That's more like it!dog breeds
14. The camera can't get enough of my deep blue eyes!Cute dogs smiling and being funny
15. Care to rub my tummy, friend?Cute happy dogs and puppies and other cute animals
16. A great smile from a good boy!Cute small dog breeds
17. They say my smile is hereditary!Cute happy dogs and puppies who look like their owners
18. Is that a dog or a lion?Cute Pomeranian dogs
19. Hey there big guy!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and being silly
20. I smile because I'm fabulous!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and dressing up
21. Who doesn't love relaxing outdoors?
cute puppy
22. I do love to be beside the seaside!
Cute dog
23. My laugh isn't weird... It's unique!
funny dog
24. This good boy is simply too cute for words!
Cute husky puppy smiling
25. Aren't you a bit too small to be drinking?
Cute puppy drinking beer
26. Look at me, I'm flying!!!
Cute small dogs
27. Be very afraid human for I am a mighty bear!!!
Cute dog breeds
28. Please to meet you, miss. My name is Mr. Rex.
cute big dog
29. Such a happy boy!
Cute smiling dog pictures
30. Here's a little kiss from me to you.
smiling puppy images
31. If only I could keep rolling around like this forever and ever!
Cute happy dogs rolling over on the grass
32. Puppies are fluffy balls of pure joy!
Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
funny smiling dog pictures
34. Now you see me, now you don't.funny big dog smiling and being cute in the grass
35. Hey there. Have you come to visit our garden?
smile dog pictures
36. Such beauty is hard to come by these days.
smile dog images
37. Here's a girl that's just too happy to describe!
cutest dog breeds
38. Bubbles can often cause good boys and girls to get a little wild...
cutest dog breeds
39. Who doesn't love spending a whole day at the beach?
Cute puppy breeds
40. Snow White looks so much cuter in her canine form!Cute puppy breeds
41. Howdy, pardner!
pretty dogs
pretty dogs
43. Dogs have a way of leaving paw prints in our hearts.
Cutest dog in the world
44. Let's go on a big adventure!
cutest dog in the world
45. Somebody looks pretty pleased to see me...
very cute dogs and puppies
46. The Great Outdoors is a dog's best friend!
very cute dogs and puppies
47. It's hard to find a cooler dog than this one...cool dogs
48. ...Unless they got cool with a little help from a cold bath on a hot day!cool dogs
49. Such energy is truly a sight to behold!
Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
50. Happiness is a cute little puppy!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
51. What on Earth is going on here?Cute and hilarious dogs and puppies
52. Three dogs are surely better than one!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
53. Like mother, like daughter.Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
54. This little pup is a heartbeat at your feet.Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
55. Money can buy dogs, but only love makes them smile!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
56. Now that's a cheeky smirk if ever I've seen one!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
57. I think I've got a monkey on my back...Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
58. Dressing puppies up is my favorite thing to do!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
59. What's up, guys?Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
60. There's nothing better than getting your tummy rubbed after a good run!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
61. A beautiful smile to go with a beautiful day!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
62. My dog is cooler than your dog!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
63. So happy to be in her natural environment!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
64. Happy Halloween, folks!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
65. Hmm, I wonder if I can lick my nose?Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
66. Please sir, may I have a cookie?Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
67. The smallest of dogs is still a wolf at heart.Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
68. Looks like someone's having quite the bad hair day...Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
69. Once you get one dog, it's hard to ever live without one again.Cute dog breeds
70. What pug wouldn't be happy with his own toy car?Cute dog breeds
71. This good girl has the most beautiful brown eyes ever!
Cute dog breeds
72. Max just loves pulling funny faces all day long...cute dog breed
73. Time to meditate.Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
74. Is it time for dinner yet?Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun
75. Smile like you're royalty!Cute happy dogs and puppies smiling and having fun


BONUS 1: These Puppies Are Both Insanely Cute and Ridiculously Hilarious!

BONUS 2: The Cutest Dog Breeds in the World

BONUS 3: The Most Talented Dogs You'll Ever See


Make sure to share this cute collection with any dog lovers you know!

Image Sources:  cutestpaw

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