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The 19 Secrets of Everlasting Love

Being in a committed relationship is very normal, but being in a committed relationship that lasts for life is rare. This is especially true given the world we live in and all its distractions. Regardless of age, the secrets for maintaining a healthy and steady relationship lie in the little things - they can be as simple as being on time, a small surprise, or kissing your partner hello every morning. We're sharing with you some of the secrets every couple who wants their relationship to last should know.
While it may sound boring to ask this question every day, never underestimate its value. Even if your partner's answer is a conventional one, you'll never know when it may need further attention. Make it a daily routine to do this before going to bed every night, to show your lover you are interested in his/her day.
Did you have a quarrel that ended on a bad note? It's not the end of the world, nor the end of the relationship. Some fights just happen - and after all, what's a relationship without an argument here and there? Unless the fights are making you change the way you look at the person or how much you love them, sparing some forgiveness won't hurt at all.
So you're not up for going to the business conference your partner asked you to accompany him to, and that's fair enough. But how much are you really considering your duties? When you're in a relationship, it follows that you make some little "sacrifices", which we should more appropriately call "obligations". If it makes him/her happy, it should make you happy too.
While each partner is, to a certain extent, obliged to accompany the other to certain events and occasions, make sure you are not expecting too much of each other. If you think it's not so important for them to join you, be honest and say so. You should both be fair about it. 
Unexpected gifts and treats are never a bad idea. It can be a simple thing such as buying their favorite candy from the supermarket while doing your shopping. Every now and then, show them you were thinking of them by surprising them in your own way.
It's not a must to make your partner befriend your group of friends or your couple friends - it should be an open choice. This said, do not exclude the possibility of you hanging out with them alone. It just requires a little freedom to be granted from both sides.
Relationships are all about the sweet things. Before you rush off to work in the morning, don't forget to leave your partner with a little peck. And when you reunite later in the day, do it with a kiss too. With such a simple gesture, you will be reminding each other of the affection and love you have for one another.
Having a free night doesn't mean you have to accept any invitation that you are offered. Maybe you and your partner are in need of some quality time, or you had brief plans of your own. Remember to put priorities that involve the two of you before any other plans.
In long or married relationships, family doesn't have to be limited to just your own. Your partner's family would love to know that you also consider them as part of your family, and this will, in turn, make your partner happy too. Call them from time to time, just like you do with your family, and hang out with them even if your partner isn't around.
These three words can never be said too often in a relationship. Regardless of how long you've been together, this wonderful statement should never lose its value. Keep it alive both by saying it more frequently to each other and, of course, by proving it to each other too. 
Treat your better half the way you know they would treat you when they're sick. This may mean running to the drugstore to buy meds, cooking for them, or even canceling plans just to keep them company. 
We all have exceptionally busy days that have us arriving home feeling completely worn out. If you see that your partner has had a tougher, longer day than usual, be a bit considerate and take on some of their chores. You have to be sensitive towards each other, and that's one important secret for a healthy relationship. 
It's easy to make small jokes that involve your partner when with a group of friends. Although they may be meaningless, such as a comment about their habits, it can be unkind to do this. Remember that they are your partner, not your punching bag.
Surprisingly, many fights can be avoided by being on time. Letting your significant other wait for you for longer than expected may give rise to temporary fury, enough to spoil a good mood. This is especially true if it becomes a habit. Try getting ready at least 20 minutes earlier than you plan, so you'll make sure not to disappoint your partner by turning up late.
If someone is saying negative things about your partner, don't just let them. Defend them like you would want them to defend you, even if they are not around. And even though you may not feel comfortable to do such a thing, I promise it will feel worse if you remain silent.
It doesn't mean that your partner is being intrusive if he or she asks you why you arrived home late. They were probably just worried that something may have happened to you, just as you would have been if you were in their shoes. Help put each other's minds to rest by sending a simple message to let one another know if you've been caught up somewhere or just went out. It's a matter of being courteous.
As we all know, traveling is not always plain sailing. It involves a lot of stressful planning, discussing, and running about. Do both of yourselves a favor by trying to be patient and considerate toward each other, to avoid ending on bad terms and spoiling each other's holiday.
One of the things we all love about being in a relationship is being spontaneous. Who says you can't make a dinner reservation at the last minute? Or buy yourselves a cheap weekend stay for the same week? It can be fun doing something unusual and unexpected, and it can also spark up some good vibes between you.
Last but not least, it all boils down to the most essential thing - unconditional love. The above tips all revolve around it, and it's important to make sure you put it into everything you do for your partner, no matter how big or how small.
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