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5 Daily Habits to Make Your Life Less Stressful

Sometimes, you're in a period of your life when everything seems to spin out of control. It seems like you have so much to do, yet so little time to get it done. Maybe you're juggling between work and family priorities. Maybe you're also supporting someone in need, or trying to cope with the bills, or the relationships in your life. At the same time, you might be trying to find time to keep your living space as organized as possible. The worst thing about this is having no clue where to start from.

If you can really relate to this, trust me - you're not alone. The stress brought by life itself can sometimes make you want to escape from it all. But in reality, there's absolutely no need to escape. You are right where you have to be, and all you need is a little order in your life to make you feel more organized and in control. We reckon you should start by doing these 5 little things, every day: 

1. Write up a short to-do list

5 Things to Do Everyday If Your Life is Stressful

I have found it to be extremely effective to write a to-do list for the following day before hitting the pillow. Having a plan makes you feel more motivated to rise in the morning and reach the goals you've set for the day. Review the things you've been postponing, such as cleaning the car, organizing a room, getting something fixed, or making some phone calls, and incorporate them into your agenda for the day. 

However, do not overestimate your ability - do not include more than 5-7 items on your list, to avoid disappointing yourself. Always remember - nothing gets done without getting started.


2. Make your bed

5 Things to Do Everyday If Your Life is Stressful

It might not sound like the most important thing to do, especially if you're out of your room for most of the day. However, assuming that making the bed would be your first task of the day, wouldn't you feel good knowing that you've already completed one task the moment you step out of bed? Make this a morning ritual, and you will see how you'll improve your morning, making you feel more accomplished, organized, and ready to tick other to-dos off your list!

Not convinced? Go ahead and see what the head of the navy SEALs says about this in the following video:


3. Wear something that makes you look and feel great

5 Things to Do Everyday If Your Life is Stressful

Morning blues can sometimes make you indifferent with regard to what to wear for the day ahead of you. Whether you're heading to work or the supermarket round the corner, it should be your priority to put some effort into your look. Although it might seem impossible to make creative decisions in the morning, thinking up clothing combinations may spark your productivity for the day. Besides, the feeling of knowing you're looking good makes you feel a lot better throughout your day. And if you're staying home all day, forget the PJ's - find yourself an alternative outfit that is just as comfy! This one isn't just for the ladies. Never doubt the power of dressing up to better one's mood, and men look incredible in suits, at any age.


4. Do one laundry load at a time, from start to finish

5 Things to Do Everyday If Your Life is Stressful

Are you the kind of person who would leave all the laundry for the weekend? It's a common habit to let things accumulate, and we all know how frustrating it is to have to deal with everything all at one go. Instead of having to cope with three to five loads in a single day, start by trying to do one load each day, if needed. This way, you won't have to stress yourself out at the end of the week.


5. Keep your kitchen clean

5 Things to Do Everyday If Your Life is Stressful

Is it just me, or does it really feel that when the kitchen is a total mess, the whole house is too? It's logical to think that if your surroundings aren't looking their best, your mood won't be much better either. But seeing as you probably spend more time in the kitchen than you think, it follows that it should be cleaned more often. Dedicate a small portion of your day to doing some kitchen chores, such as loading or unloading the dishwasher, clearing the sink, or wiping the countertops.

These tasks don't have to be done in one go - develop a system that works best with your routine. For instance, you can unload the dishwasher while waiting for your coffee to brew in the morning, etc. Clean kitchen = happy you!

BONUS: Take 5-15 minutes to do something for YOU

5 Things to Do Everyday If Your Life is Stressful

Consider this the sixth thing - it goes without saying, the day isn't yours unless you've done something for yourself. This could be something as simple as reading a good book, chatting with a friend, gardening, writing in your journal, practicing a hobby, or doing whatever it is that makes you happy. And enjoy it while you're at it!



So now?

Put it into practice!

Now that you've read this, you just might consider starting to apply some of the tips to your life. But am I right in saying you're still doubtful about all this? 

To try making it more realistic for you, we're presenting you with an example of what could be your new stress-free daily routine (or something along those lines). Take the time to think about how you can use these ideas to your advantage, and incorporate them into your everyday life. You won't be sorry!


Example morning routine

  • Get up, make your bed, and make coffee (while brewing the coffee, unload the dishwasher)
  • Spend 10 minutes journaling, looking at your to-do list, reading the headlines, meditating, or praying, while having your coffee/breakfast (check out our tips about how to energize your morning)
  • Start a load of laundry
  • Do 10 minutes of quick exercise (search for a YouTube video workout, do some Yoga (check out our collection of Yoga poses to help you de-stress), or go for a run or walk around the block)
  • Shower, get dressed in something you love, do your hair and makeup
  • Switch the laundry from the washer to the dryer

Example evening routine

  • Load the dishwasher, start it, and wipe all the countertops
  • Fold and put away the load of laundry you washed and dried in the morning
  • Lay out your clothes for the next day
  • Take 5-15 minutes doing something you love
  • Do these soothing exercises on your bed before going to sleep


H/T: moneysavingmom.com

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