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These 17 Ingenious Life Hacks Will Make Your life Easier

When searching the internet you will come across thousands of articles that discuss life hacks and tips that can make our life a lot easier. However, as you're about to witness, people never stop inventing new ways to simplify their everyday tasks. Below are some of the most ingenious life hacks that will literally change your world - these are the solutions that you have been longing for!  

1. Hungry, or just waiting for guests? This hack will allow you to cook two pizzas at once. 
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Simply just cut your pizzas in half, and place them on the baking sheet as shown above. 
2. How to slice a bell pepper properly.
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Start off by topping and tailing your bell pepper, then run the knife along the inside of the flesh. 
3. This is how you remove excess oil. 
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Just place some rice in every compartment of the muffin tin. 
4. An apple slicer is not just for apples.
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This simple trick allows you to cut potatoes into wedges in next to no time. 
5. Refreshing beverages can be served out of a watermelon.
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Cut a hole in the watermelon that is big enough for the blender blade to fit inside, add the necessary ingredients, and mix well. More information can be found here
6. Did you know that two lids can be used to half cherry tomatoes quickly?
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You can also cut olives, grapes and cherries using this method. 
7. Use a paper towel to keep your lettuce and other greens fresh and crisp. 
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Just cover your greens with a paper towel and leave for a period of time. The towel will absorb the excess moisture and will prevent your leafy vegetables from rotting quickly. 
8. A fan of tangerines and oranges? Well, here's the fastest way to peel them!
Life - Hacks
Simply cut the top and bottom of the fruit, cut a vertical slit on one side, then gently roll it out. Click here for more info.
9. How to make coffee ice cubes. 
Life - Hacks
Once made, simply place your coffee ice cubes into warm milk and enjoy a tasty beverage prepared in under a minute. To learn how to make coffee ice cubes, click here.
10. Peeling a kiwi with a spoon. 
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Cut off both ends of the fruit, slip a spoon between the flesh and the skin, and slide the spoon around to separate. 
11. Did you know that a hot glass will soften your butter in just a few minutes?
Life - Hacks
Just place a hot glass over the cold and hard butter that just came out of the fridge and watch it soften in minutes. 
12. Getting two uses from a cookie tray. 
Life - Hacks
Fill one of the empty compartments with some milk and enjoy your dessert. 
13. An empty water bottle can be used to easily separate egg whites from egg yolks. 
Life - Hacks
Place the mouth of the water bottle to the egg yolk, and lightly squeeze. To see this in action, click here.
14. Turn an empty ketchup bottle into something useful.
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An empty ketchup bottle that has been washed thoroughly can be used as a great dispenser for pancake batter.  
15. Use plastic seal bags to store sliced vegetables in the fridge or freezer. 
Life - Hacks
Slice your vegetables, place them in plastic seal bags, and store them in your fridge or freezer. This tip ensures you always have veggies on hand for a healthy snack or dinner. 
16. Remove strawberry stems with a drinking straw. 
Life - Hacks
All you need to do is push the straw through the center of the strawberry  
17. The easiest way to peel a banana.
Life - Hacks
Simply squeeze the bottom of the banana to open it easily. 
Source: brightside
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