
Keep Your Uric Acid Levels Under Control with These 8 Tips

High levels of uric acid in the bloodstream, also known as hyperuricemia, can come about as a result of either an increase in the production of uric acid in the body or a decreased excretion of it through the kidneys. This can lead to problems such as gouty arthritis (uric acid crystal deposits in joints, typically the big toe), kidney stones, and renal failure. Furthermore, recent studies have also been associated high blood uric acid levels with cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

Factors that can help contribute to high uric acid levels include a diet high in purines, excess alcohol consumption, obesity, renal insufficiency, genetics, underactive thyroid, and diabetes. Certain cancers, chemotherapy, and other medications, such as diuretics, may also help contribute to it.

There are some tips and natural remedies that will help reduce and control your uric acid levels, and 8 of these can be found below.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Keep Your Uric Acid Levels Under Control with These 8 Tips

As a natural cleanser and detoxifier, apple cider vinegar can help remove uric acid from the body. This vinegar contains malic acid that helps to break down and eliminate uric acid. Furthermore, it helps to restore the alkaline acid balance in the body and provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.

1. Add a teaspoon of raw, organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.

2. Drink this solution 2-3 times per day.

You can slowly increase the amount of apple cider vinegar to two tablespoons per glass of water and continue this until your uric acid levels have decreased.

2. Lemon Juice

Though you might think that lemon juice will make the body more acidic, in actuality, it has the opposite effect and helps to neutralize uric acid. Furthermore, its vitamin C content also helps to decrease uric acid levels.

• Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a glass of warm water, and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. Continue to do this for a few weeks. 
• You can also take vitamin C supplements, but consult your doctor first so that they can give you the proper dosage. 

3. Cherries

Cherries and other dark berries contain chemicals that help to reduce uric acid levels. Furthermore, purple and blue-colored berries contain flavonoids (known as anthocyanins) that help lower uric acid and reduce inflammation and stiffness.

• Eat half a cup of cherries each day for a few weeks. 
• Add blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, bell peppers, and other vitamin C and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables to your diet. 

4. Baking Soda
Keep Your Uric Acid Levels Under Control with These 8 Tips

Baking soda is very efficient at lowering uric acid levels and reducing gout pain. It helps to maintain the natural alkaline balance in the body, and makes uric acid more soluble and easier to flush out of the kidneys.

1. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.

2. Drink up to four glasses of this a day for two weeks. You can drink it every 2-4 hours.

Note:  Don’t take this remedy on a regular basis. Furthermore, do not take at all if you suffer from high blood pressure. People over the age of 60 should not drink more than 3 glasses of this baking soda solution per day.

5. Water

Drinking a lot of water helps to optimize uric acid filtering. It helps to dilute the uric acid and stimulates the kidneys to eliminate excess amounts through urine. Furthermore, drinking enough water can reduce the risk of recurrent gout attacks.

• Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day.
• Include more water-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet. 

6. High-fiber Foods and Starchy Carbohydrates

Foods that are high in dietary fiber help lower uric acid levels by absorbing it, and then eliminating it from the body. Starchy carbohydrates are also safe to eat as they contain only small amounts of purine.

• Whole grains, pears, apples, oranges, and strawberries are some good examples of high-fiber foods that you should incorporate into your diet. 
• Starchy carbohydrates are foods such as rice, whole grain pasta, potato, bananas, oats, and quinoa. 

7. Dairy Products

Keep Your Uric Acid Levels Under Control with These 8 Tips
Low-fat milk and other dairy products have been associated with lower plasma urate concentrations and a reduced risk of gout. Skimmed milk, for example, contains orotic acid that decreases the re-absorption of uric acid, and promotes its removal from the body through the kidneys.
• Drink 1-5 cups of skimmed milk a day. 
• Include low-fat yogurt and other dairy products in your diet. 

8. Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass helps to restore alkalinity in the blood. Furthermore, it’s rich in vitamin C, chlorophyll, and phytochemicals that help to promote detoxification. It’s also a very good source of protein and amino acids as alternative to eating animal protein.

• Each day, mix two tablespoons of wheatgrass juice with a squeeze of lemon juice until your uric acid levels come down. 

Source: top10homeremedies
Images: depositphotos
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