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20 Surprising Uses for Lemons

Lemons are citrus fruits with a great aroma that blends wonderfully with food and drinks. Lemons also have many other uses thanks to their antibacterial properties, as well as being rich in vitamin C. They are strong antioxidants and contain 5% acid, meaning they are very useful for a whole range of things. 
lemon uses
To maximize the usefulness of lemons, we have collected 20 of the best things to do with them besides cooking!
1. Ant repellant
lemon uses
Pour some lemon juice around any infested areas to keep them at bay!
2. Air freshener
lemon uses
An equal amount of water and lemon juice placed in an air freshener will supply your house with a nice, fresh scent.
3. A clean tub
lemon uses
An equal amount of water and lemon juice can also be very effective at cleaning the mildew and fungus that accumulates on the sides of your shower or tub.
4. Disinfectant
lemon uses
A small amount of lemon juice can be a great addition to vinegar as a cleaning agent. Not only will it neutralize vinegar's strong smell - it will also fortify vinegar's disinfecting properties.
5. Microwave
lemon uses
Heat up a bowl of water and lemon wedges in the microwave for 30-60 seconds. Once you've done so, try cleaning the inside of your microwave. Those previously hard-to-remove stains will now be easily removed and the 'food smell' will be neutralized.
6. Refrigerator
lemon uses
Storing half a lemon in the fridge will help prevent unpleasant odors.
7. Cleaning chrome/brass/copper
lemon uses
Mix lemon juice with drinking soda and dip a clean hand towel into the mixture. Wipe down chrome, brass or copper surfaces thoroughly, then rinse well and wipe down with dry paper to make them look like new!
8. Bathroom
lemon uses
Mix half a cup of borax powder with a glass of lemon to clean the toilet perfectly, leaving it smelling fresh and clean.
9. Faucets and sinks
lemon uses
Use half a lemon to remove limescale buildup on your sinks and faucets. Rinse well and reapply as required.
10. To make your laundry whiter
lemon uses
Add half a cup of lemon juice to a white wash, then hang up your clothes when the cycle is done. A teaspoon of lemon juice in the machine during the wash cycle will also give your fabric a fresher smell.
11. Dishes
lemon uses
To remove fatty substances on utensils, try adding a teaspoon of lemon juice to the dish soap.
12. Drainage
lemon uses
A mixture of hot lemon juice and drinking soda can help to improve your drainage by unclogging it.
13. Trash can
lemon uses
If you throw lemon peel in the trash, it will help to neutralize the bad odors coming from the rest of the foodstuffs in there.
14. Cutting Board
lemon uses
Rub half a lemon on a wooden cutting board, leave it like that overnight, then wash it the following day. The lemon juice will help to kill any bacteria that has accumulated on the board, and neutralize any bad odors.
15. Glass and Mirrors
lemon uses
Mixing four tablespoons of lemon juice with two liters of water creates an effective mixture for cleaning windows, mirrors and glass surfaces.
16. Furniture
lemon uses
Add one part lemon juice to two parts of olive or cooking oil to create a wonderful agent for polishing furniture. 
17. Hair brightening
lemon uses
Pour some lemon juice onto your hair and sit for an hour in the sun in order to brighten it a shade or two.
18. Hair softening
lemon uses
Lemon juice mixed with a glass of warm water can be used as a great hair mask. Soak your hair in the liquid for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly. If you have a sensitive scalp, this may not be the solution for you.
19. Cuts, stings, and skin irritation
lemon uses
Pour a small amount of lemon juice on small cuts. Although it will probably sting, it should help to stop any bleeding and disinfect the wound. In addition, applying lemon juice to stings should alleviate the feeling of discomfort and itchiness.
20. Removing bad smell from hands
lemon uses
If you were handling something odorous like fish or onions, washing your hands in lemon juice is a great way to get rid of those odors without drying or damaging your skin.
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