
Cute Strawberry Santas

No child will be able to resist the cuteness of this Christmas fruit dessert. Strawberry Santas are certainly colorful and cute, but they're also quite healthy because this recipe doesn't contain any added sugar. All the sweetness comes from the fruit, whereas the creamy frosting is made of ricotta cheese.

Prep Time 20 minutes
Serves: 12
Difficulty Level: Low
Cute Strawberry Santas
Ingredients for Strawberry Santas:
Ricotta cheese - 1/2 cup
Strawberries - 12 (washed)
Banana - 1
Black gel icing - a few drops
Method of preparing the Strawberry Santas:
  1. Cut the tops off the strawberries so that the leaves and stems are gone, and each strawberry has a sturdy base.
  2. Cut the strawberries in half crosswise. The pointy top will be Santa's hat, and the other half will be the suit.
  3. Slice the banana into discs that are around 1/4 inches thick.
  4. Spread a thin layer of ricotta cheese onto the banana (both sides). Stick the strawberries and the banana together, with the banana in the middle. Repeat the same process with all the strawberries.
  5. Place the remaining ricotta into a piping bag and decorate each Strawberry Santa with plenty of ricotta.
  6. As the last step, place two dots of the black gel icing on the edges of each banana slice - these will be Santa's eyes.
  7. Enjoy fresh!
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