
Pavlova in a Cup

Did you know this meringue-based recipe is Russian? It was named after the ballerina Anna Pavlova, believe to be created in her honor during the 1920s. To this day it is greatly debated whether the origins of the Pavlova are in New Zealand or Australia. We'd let the historians dig into that while we dig into a nice cup of Pavlova.

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Prep Time 15 minutes
Serves: 8
Difficulty Level: Low
Pavlova in a Cup
Ingredients for pavlova:
Mascarpone - 9 oz.
Meringue - 3.5 oz (lightly crushed)
Strawberries - as needed (quartered)
Method of preparing the pavlova:
  1. Cream the Mascarpone until steady. Spread the cheese evenly between your cups.
  2. Layer the Meringue bits on topĀ and decorate with strawberries.
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