
Smoked Salmon Hash

Ever wondered what's the meaning of the word hash? Any dish which has 'hash' in its name will include chopped or diced food, usually potatoes, onions, and some kind of meat. The word is derived from the French 'hacher', which translates to ''to chop'. This time we're chopping some smoked salmon. You can use bought prepared horseradish and that will be perfectly fine. But for your convenience, we're including a recipe for that as well. 

Prep Time 30 minutes
Serves: 2
Difficulty Level: Low
Smoked Salmon Hash Image Source: Flickr
Ingredients for hash:
Potato - 3 Ibs. (diced)
Olive oil - 1/2 cup
Crème fraiche - 1/2 cup (alternative: sour cream)
Chives - 2 tbsp. (chopped)
Horseradish - 4 tsp.
Smoked salmon - 8 oz. (thickly chopped)
Salt and Pepper - as needed
Ingredients for horseradish:
Horseradish - 8-10 inches piece
Water - 2 tbsp.
White vinegar - 1 tbsp.
Salt - a pinch
Method of preparing the hash:
  1. Cook the potatoes in the oil over medium-high heat until tender. Remove from heat and season.
  2. In bowl, mix crème fraiche, chives and horseradish. Season as you like.
  3. To serve, mix the potatoes and the salmon and top with the crème fraiche sauce.
Method of preparing the horseradish:
  1. If, by chance, you've grown your own horseradish, you'll need to shovel it out of the ground- you can't pull it out. Peel the root and chop it up.
  2. Grind it in the food processor or manually in a mortar and pestle with 2 tbsp. water, until you have a paste. Be very careful as the fumes can sting your eyes like onion fumes.
  3. If the mix is too runny, strain out some of the water. Add the vinegar and salt and combine.
  4. You can keep your condiment in a glass jar in the fridge, it will last up to a month.
Source: Flickr
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