Funny Yoga Quotes

These funny yoga quotes will make your day.

Funny Yoga Quotes

“Three things that never lie: Little kids, drunk people, and yoga pants.” – Unknown
“The only yoga stretch I've perfected is the yawn.”

- Grant Tucker.
“I think yoga should be for everyone, not just the folks who change their name to something Hindu.” — Tara Stiles
“I’m actually banned from the Himalayas, because I’m too good at yoga.” – Judah Friedlander
"Yoga is a way of getting totally drunk – not on alcohol but on life."

- Sadhguru
“Let’s face it, I only practice yoga because the classes are always packed with beautiful women.” — Adam Levine
“A day without yoga is like a sundae without sprinkles” — Emma Mildon
“I tried yoga once but took off for the mall halfway through class, as I had a sudden craving for a soft pretzel and world peace.” – Terri Guillemets
“Thanks to yoga, I now gently stretch to conclusions rather than jumping to them.” – Unknown
“If you think I’m funny now, you should see me when I miss Yoga.” — Anonymous
“You are one yoga class away from a good mood.” – Unknown
“I really regret going to a Yoga class today… said no one ever.” — Unknown
"What did the yogi tell the door-to-door salesperson who came to his home selling vacuum cleaners? Too many attachments!"

- Sadhana Yoga
"You can close your eyes and imagine yourself in a relaxing place. Like on your sofa, not doing yoga."

- Grant Tucke
“Namastay 6 feet away.” – Unknown
“Yoga instructor just emailed to say class is moved and thanks for our flexibility.” – Unknown
“Smiling is mouth yoga.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
“A photographer gets people to pose for him. A yoga instructor gets people to pose for themselves.” — Terri Guillemets
I rang up a yoga instructor and asked which class I should take. She said, “How flexible are you?” I said, “I can’t do Tuesdays.” – Unknown
"Is taco yoga a thing yet? Someone get on that."

- Chisty Lowe
“Yoga is not about tightening your ass. It’s about getting your head out of it.” — Eric Paskel
“When in doubt, yoga it out.” – Unknown
“Keep calm and ommm… nonommm…” — Anonymous
“When Chuck Norris does yoga, the sun salutes him.” – Unknown
"Yoga class helps me calm down from the agonizing stress of trying to get to yoga class on time."

– Sadhguru
“Yoga pants. Because jeans are stressful and you don’t need that in your life.” -Unknown
“Yoga class? I thought you said ‘pour a glass’.” – Unknown
“Medidation, because some questions can’t be answered by Google.” — Inner Balance Wear
“I talked to a wild group last night. I knew it the minute someone yelled ‘Louder!’ during the silent meditation. – Robert Orben”
"It's funny when people think 'yoga people' are supposed to be calm. No. We're all here because we're nuts." — Unknown
"Reaching under the couch for something is the closest I'll ever get to yoga."

- Grant Tucker
“When I’m under stress, I do yoga. It’s when I’m happiest that I have a problem with junk food.” — Britney Spears
“Yoga is 99% waste removal” — T.K.V Desikachar
“I love yoga, but the namaste thing only takes you so far.” — Jillian Michaels
“All kidding aside, if everyone did yoga, we would have world peace.” — Rory Freedman
“I remember when yoga was called Twister.” – Unknown
“I think there should be holy war against yoga classes.” — Werner Herzog
"One meditator to another: Are you not thinking what I’m not thinking?" – Unknown
“Yoga. Because punching people is frowned upon.” — Anonymous
“Sorry for what I said before I yoga-ed.” – Unknown
“I do Yoga to relieve stress… Just kidding I drink wine in yoga pants.” — Anonymous
All my friends complaint about not feeling good, and are freaking out about their lives, and I’m just like, “There’s Yoga pose for that!” — Unknown
“I like tea and yoga, but I don’t do yoga.” – Moby
“Somedays you eat salad and go do Yoga. Somedays you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants. This is called balance.” — Unknown
“I got chucked out of yoga class after misinterpreting Half-Moon Pose.” – Unknown
“Yoga class helps me calm down from the agonizing stress of trying to get to yoga class on time.” — Unknown
“Me to my students every day: Close your eyes. If you can still see me, it could be a sign that your eyes are still open.” – Unknown
“Yoga is too slow.” — Rob Gronkowski
“I do yoga to burn off the crazy” — Anonymous
"Calming the mind is yoga. Not just standing on the head."

- Swami Satchidananda