Country Puns

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Country Puns

Building Inspectors should be stricter in Pisa, Italy.
Since they are a bit too *lean*ient.
I bought a 400 year-old chair from Italy,
but as soon as I sat on it, it baroque.
What's the difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt?
Greek yogurt has a rich cultural history.
My collection of Swiss watches was stolen in Spain.
Adios Omegas.
So I went to France and bought a house made of bread
I guess you could say I'm living in pain.
Did you hear about the watchmaker who is half Spanish and half Irish?
His name is Juan O'Clock.
What do you call a Jamaican man born in Italy?
What do you call a hangover when you're alone in Spain?
I asked my Spanish girlfriend to make a to-do list
so she wrote down everything.
What is the capital of Greece?
What does a Greek God say when they answer the phone?
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in Italy
So it’s italicized!
What do you call a cat from Italy?
I’m in such a Henri to get to France!
What’s the capital of France?
The F.
What do you call someone from Spain who lives near the Portuguese border?
I always feel like a winner in France, which is great because I hate Toulouse.
It’s impossible to Rouen a trip to France.
In Ancient Greece, people who had beliefs contrary to the worship of Poseidon were executed for Heresea.
People are always amazed by the skilled tattoo artists in Spain
Nobody expects the Spanish ink precision.
I was joking with my mailman, and said I had a package to ship to Spain.... to Parcelona...
He didn't laugh though. The key to a joke like that is the delivery.
My son claims that he identifies as an ancient Greek string instrument.
Frankly, I think he's a lyre.
I hate to Gauguin, but I have to catch my flight.
The 70s/80s aesthetic has recently become pretty popular in France.
They say it has a certain Gen X sais quoi.
Which is the coolest football team in Italy?
AC Milan.
If you want to vacation in Italy, don't be afraid to Rome around.
What do Spanish speaking people prefer to travel in groups of 2 or 4?
No tres-passing.
How does Italy execute its criminals?
In Spain, you should not develop a program beyond 2.0.
Because that would be over dos.
What is a Greek dog’s favorite dessert?
I used to be a personal driver in France
But now I have nothing to chauffeur it.
A soda can, a gas tank and the Greek god Eros walked into a bar?
The bartender shook his head, “Here comes trouble.” A patron at the bar said, “What’s wrong?” The bartender replied, “Those guys get together and they become cantankeros.”
What’s Austrian and took over France?
Why did Italy surrender in WW2?
Because Italics aren't bold.
Did you hear about the Frenchman who jumped into the river in Paris?
He was declared to be in Seine.
An ancient Greek walks into his tailor’s shop with a pair of torn pants.
‘’Euripides’’ says the tailor. ‘’Yeah, Eumenides?’’ replies the man.
What do you call a sneezing big foot in Spanish?
My boss brought bagels for breakfast and asked me which one I wanted. I said "give me one of the Spanish bagels". He responded " One of the Spanish Bagels?"
"Ay poppy."
Why do they eat snail in France?
Because they don’t have fast food.
What does a Greek machine need to work?
What do Spanish phantoms say when they like something?
me ghosta.
Did you know the first French fries weren't actually cooked in France? They were cooked in Greece.
If you don’t have a lot of figurines from Ancient Greek mythology, I can give you a mini tour.
I saw this beautiful tower in Italy..
It was a Pisa art!
When I went to highschool in Italy my classmates were one year older than me.
I Skipped pasta grade.
What do you call the generation of people that migrated from Italy?
From up here, I Cannes see the whole French Riviera!
Why is research more trustworthy if it comes from France?
It's Pierre-reviewed.
I heard the King of spain caught Covid...
Heard he tested positive while on his plane going somewhere, now he has to quarantine there.

So the Reign in Spain remains solely on the Plane.
If Russia attacked Turkey from behind do you think Greece would help?