Dropped Jokes

Excuse me, I think you dropped something: My jaw.
Excuse me, but I think I dropped something! My jaw.
Excuse me, Bonita seniorita, you dropped your halo.
You owe me a drink, you're so ugly I dropped mine when I saw you.
My wife got mad at me for playing catch with my son in the backyard
... I didn’t see the big deal until I dropped him.
Someone randomly dropped off a bull in my neighbor’s yard, but animal control picked it up before she got home.
She would have had a cow.
The Good Samaritan I saw a woman drop her purse in the high street this morning, so I quickly followed her. As I was just about to tap her on the shoulder she started running for a bus. So I ran after her shouting, “You dropped your purse! You dropped your purse!” She didn’t hear me and proceeded to get onto the bus, so I got on the bus too. As I walked to the back of the bus I breathlessly said, “You floor your purse on the floor outside McDonald’s." "Thank you so much!" She exclaimed. "Where is it?" "I just told you, on the floor outside McDonald’s."
I dropped a ball in
your lap
It's time to play
I just put a ball
in your lap
So it's time to play
See that ball
I placed in your lap?
That means it's
time to play
You can have your
emergency appendectomy
Any other day
But I dropped a ball
in your lap
And now it's time to play
You dropped something. My jaw.
Almost dropped a plate of Alphabeti Spaghetti. That could have spelled disaster.
If I had a penny for every time I dropped a penny, I would have none!
Sorry to bother you, I think I dropped my heart here. Can you pick it up?
Sorry, But You Owe Me A Drink. Well, When I Saw You, I Dropped Mine.
Tonight my wife was making dinner and she was using some fresh peas. She dropped some on the floor.
My 4 year old said “mummy, you’ve pee’d on the floor”

Needless to say I was in stitches.
Did you hear about the skeleton who dropped out of medical school?
He didn’t have the stomach for it.
“You dropped your kid off a changing table? Stuff just happens, okay? Last week, my kid ate a cigarette. I caught him playing in the dryer yesterday. I picked up the wrong baby from daycare. I found my baby swimming in the toilet. No judging.”

- 'What To Expect When You Are Expecting'.
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