Witch Puns

These hilarious witch puns are eerie-sistable!

Witch Puns

How can you tell if a witch is on a diet?
All her food is potion-controlled.
Witch doctors write their prescriptions in curse-ive.
What do a witch and a candle have in common?
They're both wicked.
What did the witch do when her broomstick broke?
She witch-hiked.
What do you call a nervous witch?
A twitch.
Witches always fly on broomsticks because they want to make a clean getaway.
Why are witches good at farming?
Because they love occult-ivation.
Can’t take my eyes off of her brewtiful face.
What is it called when a witch only casts spells that rhyme?
Poetry in Potion.
Why do witches only ride their broomsticks at night?
That's the time to sweep.
How did the witch feel about using her broom to do housework?
She bristled at the suggestion!
Why do witches not wear a regular hat?
Because there's no point in it.
What happens to witches who break the school rules?
They get ex-spelled.
How did the witch invite the wizard to take an evening ride on her broomstick?
Voodoo like to ride with me?
Why is the air so clean and healthy on Halloween?
The witches sweep the sky.
What do witches in Australia ride?
What do you call a witch that lives in the desert?
A sand-witch.
What did the lost witch ask the wizard?
- Witch way to the Halloween party?
What did the Wicked Witch of the West say when she extracted metal from ore?
I’m smelting!
The best place to search for information about witches is wicca-pedia.
A witch with chickenpox is called an itchy-witchy.
What do you call a fast broomstick?
A vroom-stick.
Witches get sore joints because they have broom-atism.
What problem do you encounter with twin witches?
You can never tell which is witch.
What kind of tests are witches given in school?
What time does the Wicked Witch have her clocks set to?
Greenwitch Mean Time.
What did one witch's cat say to the other?
You look familiar.
What did the witch say when the door-to-door broom salesman showed her a vacuum.
I don't want an automatic. I want a stick shift!
What kind of jewelry do witches wear?
Charm bracelets.
How do old witches get good bargains?
They hag-gle.
What do you call a witch's spotless garage?
A broom closet.
What do you call it when witches are optimistic about the future?
Witchful thinking.
Come witch me to the party.
What is a witch's favorite ride at the fair?
A scary-go-round.
Witch you were here.
Why was the book of incantations useless?
Because the author failed to do a spell-check.
What do witches put on their hair? Scare spray.
I’ve found that dressing up like this has truly been an en-witching experience.
Witches are always wand-ering around…
What do you call a witch who drives badly?
A road hag.
Why did the witch's team lose the cricket game?
Their bats flew away.
What sign was posted in the witches' parking lot?
Violators will be toad.
Why did the witch stay in a hotel during her travels?
She heard they had great broom service.
Why did the witch's cat scratch her?
Because he was in a bad mewd.
How do you get rid of a witch’s hex?
Draw a hex-a-gone.
Why did the hotel staff dress as witches for Halloween?
Because they provided broom service!
What does a witch get if she crosses a black cat and a lemon?
A sour puss.
What did the angry witch do after sitting on her broomstick?
She flew off the handle.
What did the tired witch do?
She sat down for a spell.
Why is it good to drink witch's brew?
It's very newt-tricious!