Sloth Puns

Don't be lazy! Come laugh at our Sloth Puns!

Sloth Puns

What do sloths make when it snows? Slow Angels.
Sloths never kiss on the first date, they take it slow.
I told my husband that the National Zoo's sloth bear gave birth but ate two of the three babies. He said "now she's guilty of 2 deadly sins: sloth and gluttony."
What do you get when you cross a sloth and a Scottish rock band? Slow Patrol.
A sloth walks in to a bar and waves to get the bartender’s attention, and says I’ll have...... a soda water.
The bartender replies “why the long paws?”
What do you call a sloth that barely moves a muscle? A slow-off (show off).
Why did the sloth get fired from his job? He would only do the BEAR minimum.
What do sloths throw in winter? Slowballs.
How do you apologize to a sloth? BEAR your heart and soul.
What do you get when you cross a cat and a sloth? A slow leopard.
When does a sloth go "moo"? When it is learning a new language!
My grandfather recently passed, and I discovered in his journal that he has an immense hatred for sloths, pandas, and koala bears. Looking back, it was obvious.
He was always going on about those darn tree-huggers.
What do you call a sloth that can pick up an elephant ? Sir!
What do you call it when a sloth eats a second plate of food?
Slothy seconds
What is a three toed sloth's favorite kind of chip?